Noor Abo Hasira, Beneficiary of GGateway’s Outsourcing Program
The opportunity gave me excellent experience in the field and empowered me to be an independent female tech professional, both socially and financially in male-dominated industry and culture.
I am Noor Abo Hasira. I am a Computer Engineering graduate in 2020 with a GPA of 94.33% as a first rank. I then worked as a teacher’s assistant at the university for a year.
After that, I started searching for a new job, but I found this difficult given the high unemployment rate among youth, especially females in Palestine. I heard that GGateway had announced an opportunity as a Business Analyst (BA) with one of its outsourcing clients. I was fortunate enough to join the technical interviews and ultimately was one of the best achievers in the interviews. GGateway business operation offered me a long-term contract that starts with on-the-job training for three months and then full-time paid job for more than 1 year as BA in GGateway outsourcing operation.
It was a special opportunity for me to become a Business Analyst, as there is high demand for this role in the international market. The opportunity gave me excellent experience in the field and empowered me to be an independent female tech professional, both socially and financially in male-dominated industry and culture. I’m looking forward to progressing to more senior positions in the future either as a Lead Business Analyst or Project Manager.
I want to thank the GGateway team for offering their excellent services, support in upskilling their employees, and for their wide-spread cooperation to secure the best offers with outsourcing clients for youth in Palestine.